Titan have been one of the largest companies within the poker industry for a number of years now and there brand is definitely one that’s managed to stand the test of time. Their latest innovation comes, unsurprisingly, from the mobile poker sector as they release their Titan Poker iPhone App.
Unfortunately for people looking to play at Titan on their iPhone, this app doesn’t actually include any ability to play poker whatsoever. In fact, the app should have renamed Titan Poker Planner as the top and bottom of it is essentially a tournament planner. You can imagine our disappointment when this realisation came to light.
Nevertheless, this app still provides a purpose and one we found that was pleasantly fulfilling. Obviously, if you don’t play tournament poker then this app will have no use for you whatsoever, but if you do like the odd MTT or even better, play them professionally, then this is could be a little gem for you.
The concept of the app is to allow players to view and then select tournaments that they might want to play on the Titan network. The app lists all upcoming events and then you simply select which interests you before its then put in a ‘tagged’ list. You have the ability to filter your choices of game type and even starting time before then choosing the tag button.
Once in the tagged area you will be greeted with all the tournaments you have selected and then you can choose whether to add a notification for that tournament which basically works like an alarm. You’ll be able to see exactly when each tournament starts and also see information on game type, buy in, limit type, tournament ID max players and min players.
Their ‘What’s Hot’ section means you can see which bigger series are coming up and also narrow your search by just these series or tournaments. You will likely be directed to the Titan website to see more information on each.
Whilst the Titan app wasn’t originally what we expected when we were first made aware, it does actually provide quite a handy little gadget for tournament players. It means you can plan your schedule without having to be on your computer or indeed, on the Titan software. To take this to the next level would have probably included somewhere that you could log into your account via the app and pre-register for events and tournaments, but unfortunately this isn’t the case. All in all, a pretty handy little app!
Unfortunately for people looking to play at Titan on their iPhone, this app doesn’t actually include any ability to play poker whatsoever. In fact, the app should have renamed Titan Poker Planner as the top and bottom of it is essentially a tournament planner. You can imagine our disappointment when this realisation came to light.
Nevertheless, this app still provides a purpose and one we found that was pleasantly fulfilling. Obviously, if you don’t play tournament poker then this app will have no use for you whatsoever, but if you do like the odd MTT or even better, play them professionally, then this is could be a little gem for you.
The concept of the app is to allow players to view and then select tournaments that they might want to play on the Titan network. The app lists all upcoming events and then you simply select which interests you before its then put in a ‘tagged’ list. You have the ability to filter your choices of game type and even starting time before then choosing the tag button.
Once in the tagged area you will be greeted with all the tournaments you have selected and then you can choose whether to add a notification for that tournament which basically works like an alarm. You’ll be able to see exactly when each tournament starts and also see information on game type, buy in, limit type, tournament ID max players and min players.
Their ‘What’s Hot’ section means you can see which bigger series are coming up and also narrow your search by just these series or tournaments. You will likely be directed to the Titan website to see more information on each.
Whilst the Titan app wasn’t originally what we expected when we were first made aware, it does actually provide quite a handy little gadget for tournament players. It means you can plan your schedule without having to be on your computer or indeed, on the Titan software. To take this to the next level would have probably included somewhere that you could log into your account via the app and pre-register for events and tournaments, but unfortunately this isn’t the case. All in all, a pretty handy little app!